Daily Baby Routine! | 5 Month Old

One of my most popular video requests is to show more of my routines...daily routine, skincare routine, makeup routine, night/morning routine and baby routines! So I've decided to start sharing a bit more of those. Today I'm sharing Andrea's baby routine, or a day in his life from when he gets up in the morning to when he goes to sleep at night. The only thing I left out was his dream feed at 9pm because I do that in the pitch dark! So there was no way I could film. Of course please also keep in mind that not every single day is the same and things do crop up or vary depending on the day but in general this is what his routine looks like at 5 months old. 

What I'm Wearing


Jumper - Wildfox (sold out)
Boots - Joules (gifted)


14K Gold 5 Letter Necklace - Maya Brenner (gifted)
Perlée Signature Gold Bracelet - Van Cleef & Arpels
Soleste Earrings in Rose Gold - Tiffany's


Benefit Hoola Bronzer (gifted)

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  1. Looking beautiful as always! Andrea looks so much like Jonathan. So freaking adorable!

  2. Wow, it looks cool how you combined your sweater!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  3. So cute and little ! Where does the time go ? My youngest is 20 months now and I wish she was this small again sometimes .

  4. Angel baby! Also I love your outfit anna❤️❤️

  5. Routines for anyone are a huge saving grace! Thank you for sharing Anna! <3

  6. Great video style. Excellent tips. My baby is 4 month...

  7. Great video style. Excellent tips my baby is 4 month...

  8. Loved seeing the routine! My baby is just two weeks younger than Andrea. It would be super helpful to learn how you managed to get him into this routine though :)

  9. This is fab, my baby is just two weeks younger than Andrea. Would be super helpful to learn how you got him into this routine :)

  10. Love this! Can you mention in one of your next videos where you got the routine from? I remember you mentioning it in one of your older videos but I can't find it anywhere! I feel like it was in a book or a blog.

  11. Love these types of videos! I think we can always learn from each other. I recently had baby number three and I can still add new ideas to our routine! Next time if you could have a break down of the schedule written somewhere that would be helpful too! Thanks again for sharing!

  12. My baby's routine keeps changing every single day and she is 4 months... When can i expect a consistent routine. Till 3 months she had a very good routine but now she naps anytime..

  13. It looks like the little ones sleep routine, witch is actually the same as this one and the one I follow for my little man. It’s been I life saver so fare.


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