Sorry this blog post is a day late but yesterday was a bit mental! We had meetings all morning & a filming session for an Irish TV show in the afternoon...this was on top of all the editing and filming I usually do on a daily basis and unfortunately the lovely girl who normally looks after Alessia for me when I'm working was sick so it was "bring your baby to work day" and we all know how those go! (Not very well...I can tell you right now!) Still we somehow managed to hustle and get everything done that we needed to but my blog will always be last on the priority list, hahaha...sorry!! My poor old blog!
This all got me thinking about a question I get asked countless times in interviews or press that we do and even from some of you: how do you do it all?? The answer is very simple...I don't! I never want any of you fellow mums out there reading this to think for one minute that I do...there is no way that it would be possible. I have three small children, six dogs, a full-time job and I'm pregnant. I am very fortunate to have the ability to work from home but that can sometimes be both a blessing and a curse because the lines get very blurred. Vlogging/blogging, social media and working with brands is my full-time job and although it's not as traditional as perhaps a doctor or a teacher, in order to make a decent living from any profession you need to put in full-time hours.
So when people call me "supermum" or tell me they're amazed at how I manage to keep it all together I just have to laugh...I am no supermum, there are plenty of single mums working two jobs that deserve that title a whole lot more than me. Or the mums dealing with children with learning difficulties or physical disabilities...that's a superwoman in my mind. The stay at home mums who sacrificed their careers to look after their children full-time, or the working mums who are made feel guilty every single day for the time they spend apart from their kids but have no choice as they need to put food on the table. No matter what your situation is, we are all hustling and we're all just trying to do the best job we can do as mothers.
None of us have it all together, even if it might look that way on social media or from the outside looking in. I would be lying if I said that I could accomplish everything I need to in one day with zero me when I say that there is a whole lot of blood sweat and tears that goes into running a business together with your partner while raising a family and it really does take a village! I have help with my house, I have childcare on the days I work full-time, I have someone who walks my dogs three times a week. Jonathan and I also share a PA who looks after all of the admin involved (which is a whole lot more than you would think!) and we have a whole management team. This isn't a one-woman show, or a one-man show either for that matter, so don't ever think that it is!
Of course Jonathan & I both pride ourselves in being very hands-on, both with our children and our business but there is absolutely NO WAY that we would get our jobs done without some kind of assistance. I also know that by writing this blog post I'm probably going to get the usual judgement from a few little trolls...but I'm used to it and I'd rather that than any of you feeling bad about yourselves. I get the "lazy mother" card thrown at me allll the time for having help (especially when it comes to childcare) but the fact remains that I work my bum off every single day for the job that I have, I know what it's like to have nothing and I don't take anything for granted. I love my children more than anything but I'm also not wiling to give up my career. I take a break from a lot of work commitments during the first 12 months of each of my babies' lives because I breastfeed exclusively and that's important to me. But that doesn't make me better than anybody else!
The main thing I want you to take away from this post is never to glamourise anyone or think they're "doing it all" because honestly there is no such thing, and at the end of the day we are all just trying to do our best. Also remember that no matter how much you think you see of people's lives on social media, it's always just a small portion and there is so much else going on behind the scenes that doesn't get shown! Nobody's life is perfect and even if you think somebody has it all together I can guarantee that she/he is struggling just as much as anybody else. I hope that doesn't sound preachy because that is not my intention at all. I just know how easy it is to feel rubbish about yourself due to social media, all because you're looking at the highlight reel of somebody else's life.
This is why honesty has always been so important to me and on that note, here is another very honest pregnancy update! Where I talk about my symptoms at 27 weeks, the dreaded weight gain & feelings that go along with that, as well as a look at how much the bump has grown since last week! Hope you enjoy the video & are having a wonderful weekend!
What I'm Wearing
Trousers - Next Maternity (last pregnancy, but similar style available here)
Shoes - Valentino (same style, different colour here)
- Benefit Porefessional Primer
- Bare Minerals Concealer in Summer Bisque
- Bare Minerals Matte Foundation in Medium Beige
- Bare Minerals Bronzer Warmth
- Bare Minerals Mineral Veil
- Charlotte Tilbury Cheek to Chic Love Glow Blusher
- BareMinerals Crystalline Glow Highlight Palette
- Benefit Browzings in 03
- Benefit 3D Browtones in 02
- Anastasia Modern Renaissance Palette
- YSL The Shock Mascara
- Charlotte Tilbury Lip Cheat in Iconic Nude
- MAC Honeylove Lipstick
- Buxom Full On Lip Cream in White Russian