What I Ate Wednesday {28.2.17}

This week's What I Ate is brought to you by Pancake Tuesday! Pancake Day has honestly always been one of my favourite days of the year, ever since I was small. I love pancakes and looked forward to this day all year round from as long as I can remember! For breakfast we didn't actually eat any as mornings are normally pretty rushed with the school run etc. and it was just me on my own after bringing Emilia in so there wasn't much point in whipping them up! So I had a slice of seeded toast with avocado (mashed up with a bit of salt & pepper) and some smoked salmon on top. I also had a black coffee & bottle of water.   

Mid morning I was hungry again and found this little snack box of nuts in Jonathan's office! These are really good - we picked some up at the train station in London the previous Friday...of course I devoured mine straight away and Jonathan forgot about his. It's one of Graze's boxes full of different kinds of nuts. I really like this one because it fills you up and is high in protein!

I ate lunch before picking Emilia up from school & bringing her swimming. This was a pretty big and filling salad which included chicken breast, butter beans, lettuce, red onion, sundried tomatoes, olive oil and salt & pepper. I also drank another bottle of water. 

After I got back from swimming I was exhausted and took a nap at about 4pm. We had had quite a late night the night before and I know it sounds ridiculous but swimming lessons are killing me at this late stage of pregnancy! I think it's the heat/humid environment coupled with lots of bending over with getting Emilia ready and showered afterwards. I honestly feel like I've run a marathon or climbed a mountain after I get back home! And I'm not even the one doing any swimming!

Traditionally on Pancake Tuesday my mum would always serve up savoury pancakes first, followed by sweet ones for dessert. So that's what we did this year...we had savoury crepes filled with chicken, mushroom & leeks. They were AMAZING! With this I had a bottle of water and then while I was waiting for my dessert (Jonathan's the expert pancake maker in our house), I ate two more plain pancakes on their own because I was so impatient! 

By the time all the pancake flipping was over, it was quite late but we all had our sweet pancakes together which was really nice. The kids & Jonatan had theirs with Nutella and I had mine with a dollop of Green & Blacks vanilla bean ice-cream and maple syrup. Best dessert ever! I was pretty stuffed afterwards (having eaten SIX pancakes, hahaha!) but it was totally worth it! 

By 9 o'clock I was exhausted and ready for bed, so I made myself a peppermint & licorice herbal tea, grabbed another bottle of water and headed to bed. That was honestly my favourite Pancake Day yet :) 

Check out my vlog from the day above! And let me know how you celebrated Pancake Tuesday! 

Pregnancy Workout - 3rd Trimester

Hey guys! Here's my current workout routine for trimester 3! I do this about 2-3 times a week (realistically lately it's been more like two) and repeat the workout twice more so it lasts about 20-30 minutes. I absolutely love this workout as it's kept me fit & toned throughout my pregnancy, yet I never feel like I'm over-doing it. All these exercises are 100% safe to do if you're pregnant and I promise you will feel amazing after even one round :)

Here's a breakdown of all the moves we do: 

30-40x Knee Lifts & Arms
30x Squats
20x Squat Backs
30-40x Skater's Lunges
100x Arm Circles
10x Standing Lunges (each leg)
30x Leg Lifts (each leg)
20x Plié Squats & Arms
3-5x Abs
3-5x Pelvic Floor Lifts
20x Plié Squats & Bust Lifts

Hope this helps and let me know if you did the workout! 
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