Here's what my belly looks like at 2 months postpartum! I have now lost all the baby weight due to breastfeeding a lot & eating normally. I actually weigh a pound less than my pre-pregnancy weight but I suspect that is because Eduardo is feeding so much! The same thing happened with Emilia. No exercise yet, as we've been so busy with the move! I know I'm forever saying it but I do want to work out eventually once we get more settled...ahh if only there were more hours in a day!
Onto this little munchkin - I can't believe Eduardo is 2 months old! (Don't mind the spit-up on my shoulder...ha ha oops!)
Height/Weight: At his 6 week appointment, Eduardo weighed 10 and 1/2 lbs! The doctor was really happy with that - he said he was booming :) We didn't get a height for him so I don't know how long/tall he is. He is quickly getting too big for his baby bath though, so I know he is growing lengthways too!
Routine: The routine is pretty much the same as in my last update, except that Eduardo feeds for longer and less frequently. He wakes up at around 6/6:30am for a big feed, then has another mini snooze while we're all eating breakfast. He eats again at around 10/11am. Then he goes down for another nap which is usually taken while we're out & about if we have errands to run. He feeds again after lunch/around when Emilia goes down for her nap. Then he has a bit of activity time before going down again. He & Emilia go up for their bath together at about 7pm, after which he gets his big night time feed with me in our bedroom before being put down in his co-sleeper for around 8pm.
Sleeping: Eduardo is sleeping really well - especially since we've moved! Some nights he'll only wake once, others it's still twice. A couple of nights he slept till was amazing! Usually he does wake at about 2/3am though.
Eating/Feeding: He is breastfeeding like a fact I think he has a pretty big appetite! Some days are more intense than others where he'll feed for a very long time at each sitting. One of the good things about this is that I feel it's contributed to him sleeping so well at night. He seems to get his fill during the day and which in turn makes him sleep longer after his bedtime.
Sizes: I'm still dressing him in mostly 0-3 month clothing but this is mostly because I can't find anything as Eduardo doesn't have a dresser/closet yet so his stuff is all in boxes! He just moved up to size 3 nappies though. And a lot of his 0-3 month clothing is getting small...I imagine he will be in size 3 months soon (when I can find those clothes!).

Milestones: Eduardo is getting so much more reactive to his surroundings, toys, people etc. His vision has also definitely improved as he reacts when someone enters the room or if we wave at him from a distance. We recently bought him a playmat which he loves. He finds the dangling toys & bright colours very stimulating...although he probably gets enough stimulation from his sister alone! Emilia is Eduardo's hero right now, he adores her and everything she does makes him laugh or smile! He also has become such a smiley baby, as you can tell from the pictures! He is a content & chilled out little fellow :) I actually couldn't stop laughing when I was editing these pictures as it looks like he's having a grand old time in each one! Ha ha ha!
That's our 2 month update! You can watch the video (complete with spit-ups!) here: