4 Months Old!
Emilia is officially 4 months old! I can't believe how big she has gotten, babies really do grow SO fast! I thought I'd start doing more "organised" monthly updates from now on as we seem to have slipped into a more normal routine nowadays and I have more time to blog. So here goes!
Height/Weight: Emilia weighed a whopping 15lbs last time we checked (which was about 2 weeks ago)!! What a little chunk! Ha ha ha :) I have no idea how long/tall she is but I will try and update that after our doctor's visit this month.
14 Weeks Old
Daily: As I mentioned previously we have gotten into some kind of a routine now which is nice because it's something we can both rely on! She takes quite regular naps although is known to sleep more some days which I tend to let her do...I don't really see the point in waking her when she's fast asleep! She normally naps the best (and longest) in her swing, although she doesn't mind taking her early morning one in her crib and sometimes will go down in it again in the afternoon but never for very long.
Emilia will stay awake now for much longer periods of time which is a lot of fun! She loves to play on her mat, try to roll over (from back to side), kick her legs and has even started holding and sucking on her toys. She is a very content, smiley baby and will happily entertain herself for long periods of time, cooing and babbling away...it's so cute!

15 Weeks Old
Bedtime: We have a pretty standard bedtime routine put into place which basically involves a bath with mommy (or a shower with daddy if we're stuck for time!), lotion, change into pj's and a big feed. She usually sleeps while we eat dinner, watch TV and then wakes up again right before we go to bed. Then I change her nappy and feed her to sleep in bed with me. This is also when I read her a bedtime story. She is still sleeping in our bed but has shown some interest in the co-sleeper which is attached to my side so we may transition her into there and see how that goes! She also "dream-feeds" throughout the night which doesn't bother me at all because I don't really feel like I'm waking up to do it as she's right beside me!
16 Weeks Old
Eating: I am still exclusively breast-feeding! And we both love it :) Emilia usually feeds about 6 times a day but it does vary a little bit depending on the day. She doesn't fall asleep on the boob as much as she used to when she was really little but she still likes to "snack" where she'll feed for a while and then stop but come back for more in a few minutes. She has never been the kind of baby to feed for 20-45 minutes at a time...maybe that's why she's still feeding through the night? I don't know!
17 Weeks Old!
Sizes: Right now Emilia is at a very annoying "in-between" stage where most of her 3-6 clothes are too small but 6-9 month clothing is all too big! I wish she'd either grow or shrink a little bit, ha ha ha! She is also wearing size 3 in nappies (European sizes, not American). We either use Pampers Active-Fit or Baby Dry.
4 Months Old
- Rolling over! She rolled from her tummy to her back and it was so adorable!
- Learning to "talk". She now babbles, coos and gurgles to herself all the time. She even lets out an odd shriek here and there which frightens all her furry brothers & sisters ;)
- Playing with/holding onto her toys. She especially loves touching/playing with her Brightstars links and Lamaze princess.
- Putting things into her mouth. She will now consciously put her links or teething toys into her mouth and suck on them.
- Teething. No sign of any teeth yet but we had a couple of rough nights this month where poor Emilia was teething and we gave her some Teetha (which is just Camomile in powder form) to soothe her gums. That seems to have worked the best and thankfully she's back to her normal happy self!
- Big belly laughs! These are the best in the world...she tends to have bouts of laughter where she'll just sit and laugh at the same thing (us pulling funny faces at her or making some kind of a silly noise usually!) over and over again.
- Sitting up more. She is not sitting up by herself yet but it is definitely her favourite position to be in! She likes to be propped up by cushions or pillows and will give a huge gummy smile as soon as she is moved to an upright position!
I think that just about covers everything! Let me know if you like this format of posting and don't forget to watch my 4 Month Update video which will be up on my channel later this evening! :)
Stay Stylish!
Emilia really is precious. You're doing a great job Anna and Jofus! Xxx
ReplyDeleteHi Anna,
ReplyDeleteFirst commenter but reading for years! I wanted to say how much I think Emilia looks like Johnathon in the 4 months old photo. Her eyes are all you and this is the first I've seen Johnathon in her-now I can't stop seeing it!
She's so beautiful.
Aoife xx
Hi Anna! Love your blog and all your channels. My little boy, Leland, is two weeks younger than Emilia. I love to see what she is up to, and see what I have to look forward to! I have a big guy on my hands...at three months Leland was 20lbs! Im also still nursing so its good to hear your tips and daily routine. Thanks for the blogs :)
ReplyDeleteLove the daily vlogs and stylediet! I wanted to mention this product called the Bumbo, it helps babies learn to sit up, not sure if they're sold in Ireland, but we have them here in America. You should look into buying one for Emilia. It really helps, my son used one!
ReplyDeletelove this style Anna. Emilia is so cute, looks very like you. I watch your vlogs everyday from roscommon, love it:-) xxx
ReplyDeleteHi Anna, I have been following your blog for a year now, since I was pregnant with my first baby. She is now nearly 4 months old. I wanted to ask a few questions if I may?
ReplyDeleteDid you ever have days when either of your little ones wouldn't nap? my little girl has gone a week now with no naps and the poor little thing gets so cranky, but nothing seems to work.
How have you gotten your two to take naps? I feed to sleep or rock her in the pram, I'm just afraid she will not learn to fall asleep on her own. When did your two start to fall asleep on their own? Assuming Eduardo does?
We also co sleep, which we love and its great for breast feeding.
I really love your blog and I have learnt so much from you. Your family is so loving and its what I want for my family.
What are the books you read with the best advice?
Thanks so much
Kindest Regards