Today was the day that Emilia found her voice! I'm not even joking...I call it "talking" but of course she hasn't said any real words yet, it's more a mixture of coos and gurgles. It's so cute! It first started with her making cooing noises while feeding which I thought was adorable. Then my family came over and she decided to join in the conversation. She started babbling like there was no tomorrow - but as soon as we all stopped talking she was silent! Then we realised she tended to "talk" more when everybody else was doing it...what a sweetie pie, she wanted to be part of the fun! :)
Her outfit today is a mixture of different brands - the leggings are from Baby Gap, socks are from Zara, hair bow is Layniebug Designs and the Aristocats top I bought on sale from Tesco for about €4! Poor baby scratched herself on the face with her nails while we were in the car yesterday :( I was so sad for her when I saw it, it looked really bad too and was bleeding! She didn't seem upset or bothered by it though and didn't cry so I guess it's okay. I don't like putting her hands in mittens because she loves to suck on them and I hate to take that feeling away from her!
Here I am surrounded by my flock of sheep little white pups relaxing on the couch after our guests came to visit! My uncle, cousin, grandmother and mom came over for tea & coffee this afternoon. I tried to get a good picture of the four generations but I look like a frazzled mess in the shot so I'm not posting it - ha ha ha! I will try to get another (nicer) one tomorrow!

This is what Jonathan cooked for dinner tonight - chicken Thai Green Curry! Yum! Usually we have this on Monday nights while watching Dexter...I don't know why or how that happened, it just sort of became a tradition! This week we broke the tradition and now Dexter's over, boo hoo! :( That has remained my favourite TV show since we first got into it 4/5 years ago! Though I don't understand how it is that I find Michael C. Hall so ordinary in "real life" (whenever I see him on the red carpet, at events or playing different roles) but yet as Dexter I can't help but find him really attractive! Does anybody else feel this way?! Maybe that means he's a great actor, right?

So in love with my little princess...possibly even more so now that she's started "talking"! I love listening to the sound of her babbling voice. She was having so much fun finding her voice that she even let out a huge belly laugh while in the middle of feeding this evening...nearly scared me half to death!! There's nothing like a good old chuckle when you've got a mouthful of boob...ha ha ha!
Night night from the two of us!