Week 36 Bump Update!

Watch my 36 Week Pregnancy Vlog here

How far along?  36 weeks!  Officially 9 months pregnant, woo hoo! :)

Total weight gain/measurements: 24lbs! Jofus got a new electronic scale this week, it's very fancy and probably a lot more accurate than my 1950's one ;)  Measurements are drastically different this week, I lost 2 inches from my waist and gained one in my tummy!  She's either growing, dropped or both!  Waist - 31", Tummy - 40".   

Maternity clothes: No new ones this week.  Been loving leggings & maternity tops though...my regular tops & shirts are waaay too tight/stretched out to wear now so I'm virtually wearing only maternity stuff.

Stretch marks: None yet.  Still using Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks.

Sleep: Still using my pregnancy pillow -- sleep has been pretty good and I can't really complain.  Occasionally I wake in the night to pee or if things get uncomfortable but it's not too often!

Best moment this week: Buying our nursing chair!  I absolutely love it and it makes the bedroom look so cosy and welcoming :)  We also just got back from our antenatal classes today and it was amazing -- we learned so many things!

Miss anything? I do kind of miss a lot of my non-maternity clothes...wearing the same three outfits over & over can get a bit boring!!

Movement: Lots!  As well as hiccuping, which is very cute!

Food cravings: Nope.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope, but still off coffee.

Gender:  Girl!

Labour signs: Nothing...not even Braxton Hicks!

Symptoms: Heartburn (ugh), some backache from time to time, I am super out of breath a lot more often, I also find it harder to bend over/climb the stairs/get out of the car! And I have occasionally been feeling pelvic pressure or discomfort even though my OB checked on the ultrasound last week and said that she had not engaged yet!  But apparently she has dropped down pretty low so this could be why I'm feeling her push down on my bladder so much!  As a result of that I also need to pee every 5 seconds, ha ha ha!

Belly button in or out? It's been very much in this week!

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!

Looking forward to: Meeting Emilia! :)

Stay Stylish!


  1. Loving the belly mama! Its fun to be able to see how far you've progressed. I love looking at old pregnancy pictures, then seeing my little guy, & being like wow you were in there! These next weeks may seem so slow, but try to really enjoy them if you can. Have some alone time with Jofus and the doggies because it will never be the same! : )

  2. Will the birth be in a regular video too or will it just be live? I just don't want to miss that special moment :)


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