How far along? 17 weeks! I definitely feel like I've popped this week. My bump is rounding nicely :)
Total weight gain: 8lbs! I weighed in at 125lbs this morning -- which is 2lbs up from last week! I am still right on track according to this tracker, yay! :) My measurements are still the same though, waist: 27" and tummy: 33 1/2".
Maternity clothes? No clothes yet, but I did purchase a DreamGenii Pillow to help me sleep better at night. It's amazing and has definitely made a difference (even if it was ridiculously expensive...ugh). Here's a picture of it on my bed:
You basically straddle the end bit and sleep on the flat middle part while the back bit supports your back (that's actually REALLY comfortable!). Jonathan says it's his "replacement", ha ha ha poor guy...
Stretch marks? None yet. This week I've been using a combination of different products. I received this Dream Belly Butter from Fairhaven Health and I absolutely love it for night-time. It's very thick and moisturising and the scent reminds me of those little bath shapes that you pop and the gel comes out?! Ha ha ha :) It's all natural and is both a stretch mark repair and prevention cream. It's on sale right now on the Fairhaven website for $14.95 if you're interested!
With the belly butter I also got these cool little pregnancy guides -- at first when I saw them I was totally confused as to how they work but now that I've figured it out I can't stop looking at them!
The top one is configured to Pancoga's due date, so each week you can see exactly what date the weeks change, how big the baby is and how much he/she weighs. So cool! These are available for $6.95 from the website.
Sleep: The DreamGenii pillow has definitely helped these last few nights...although the leg cramping still happens when I'm on my left-hand side for too long. But I have found that some light stretching seems to work first thing in the morning.
Best moment this week: Hmm...getting my pillow?! Ha ha ha...I don't know, I hate this question!
Miss anything? No...I don't miss anything!
Movement: Still nothing :( I've read you're supposed to start feeling the baby from this week on...I really hope that happens soon!
Food cravings: Still very boring in the cravings department -- I don't have any really crazy ones! Although I do tend to love snacking on Fruit & Fibre cereal a lot...I guess that's a good thing because it's one of the healthier ones!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Shrimp, also I don't like coffee again.
Gender: We find out in one week! Excited!!
Labor signs: No.
Symptoms: Cramping/stomach pains -- this happened two mornings in a row after I had drunk A LOT of water right before bed. I realised after the second time that this was probably the reason and it went away as soon as I stopped drinking that much. Now I'm trying to drink more often throughout the day rather than a huge amount in one sitting! My boobs have stopped hurting so much!! They're definitely still growing though, I will have to get a maternity bra soon. My acne has remained the same...still waiting for that beautiful glowing skin everybody talks about, ha ha ha! On the plus side, my hair and nails are growing fast & strong so that's good :)
Belly button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy, happy, happy but I still need to eat every 3 hours, like clockwork!
Looking forward to: My doctor's appointment this week (is it weird that I look forward to those?! I really like my doctor :), and also Sina's vet appointment when we will hopefully find out how many pups she's having!
I was also fortunate enough to receive a box from My Beauty Bundle, which is a monthly subscription service much like other beauty boxes you may have heard of however this one has a unique twist: it's for mommy & baby! I was so excited when I heard about this idea, I think it's so cute. Every month they send you products that relate to whatever stage you're at in your pregnancy. The further along you are, the more "for baby" items you get. It's really sweet! Here's what I got in mine this month. (I am four months pregnant.)

Lavera Rose Garden Bath Sea Salts -- I think this is a German brand? I remember it from when I lived in Germany :)
Primavera Protective Lotion -- love the packaging of this!
You can order My Beauty Bundle here for £15 a month (incl. shipping) if you're interested. I think it's a lovely idea, even as a gift for someone you know that's currently pregnant!
Stay Stylish!
Yep it's starting to thicken in the middle. ;) I always look forward to my Dr's appointments too.
ReplyDeleteOh my god , your belly is starting to show more ! I think its going to be a girl because when your having a baby girl the belly grows slower and the belly isnt that big and poped out as when you have a baby boy ! Hopefully its a girl ! You guys are going to be amazing parents !!!!
ReplyDeleteI love to keep up with the pregnancy progression. Will you be sharing the gender? Can't wait for next week!
ReplyDeleteDoes the beauty bundle ship to the u.s.?