Saccone Joly Workout!

Hi there bloggities!  
It's time for a Saccone Joly workout!  Here's what we do to keep fit!

Step 1: Strike a pose!  The cheesier the better.  This will really work your cheek muscles (biiig smile!) and your posing muscles (they really do exist).

Step 2: Flex your muscles!  Okay, so I didn't really do a good job at this one but that's because I was actually pressing the remote to take the picture.  And that is just as good as flexing don't you know.

Step 3: Piggy back!  This is the best way for your partner to improve his balance and's also the best way for you to work those limbs!  So get climbing!

Step 4: Find your balance.  This will make you and your partner feel at one with each other.  Oh, and don't forget to wave!  Waving tones up your bingo wings and arm flabbiness!

Step 5: At this point, your partner should attempt to lift up the other members of the family.  If at first he/she fails, that's okay.  You just smile and look pretty for the camera.  Work those face muscles!!

Step 6: When all of you are being lifted by your partner/husband/fiancé, that's when you really know you're hitting your maximum workout potential.  And as you know, your job is the most keep smiling and pressing that remote.  Break a sweat! 

Polo shirt and sweat pants - Dunnes Stores

Step 7: This is a move I like to call the Jofusinator.  Your hubby needs to work out his upper body because in order to carry the weight of his family on his back, it's very important to be in tip top condition!  My guy likes to use our fluffy white children as weights.  If your partner can't manage to use your kids or pets as weights then he pretty much fails at life.  So get practising! 

Hoody - Dunnes Stores, Shoes - New Look, Leggings - Vero Moda, Earrings - Accessorize

Step 8: Now as a girl, you need to do some kind of aerobic exercise to keep that body toned and show off your new workout gear.  So make some kind of crazy "running" poses (without actually running anywhere!) and then do a pretend star jump.  That's it!  Now you can eat a cupcake.  

Check out today's daily vlog here! :)

Stay Stylish!


  1. OMG! I laughed a lot! :)) You are so funny! :)) Did you include this in your vlog? I must watch it! :P

  2. Ha ha ha ha! Im out of breath just reading!



  3. that is sooo funny! I needed a laugh this morning!

  4. What a brilliant start to my day !! love yous

  5. LOL love this post! It brought a smile to my dial :D

    M - Even Artichokes Have Hearts ♥

  6. u are just so funny!!!i laughed and then i gave the link to my husband to see how good is to work out. :D

  7. LOL You guys are so funny :D
    Thanks for making me laugh today! :))

  8. haha, this is fab! Thanks for such a fun post. xx

  9. Wow, Anna, great Workout! Thank you so much, this really made my day!

  10. Haha! That's my idea of a good workout. None of this going to a gym business! xoxo

  11. LOL laughing burns loads of calories! :) You two are too cute for words!

  12. I wish you had a "This post was just fantastic" button, this was hilarious.

  13. hahahahh the picture with both of you and the dogs is so funny

  14. these pics are lovely!! thanks for sharing =)

  15. know you've made it when you posted this blogpost an hour ago..and you already have 20 comments!!!! ugh..i hate you. You and your cuteness little family. SO ADORABLE I want to steal your dogs. And these are the pics that I was talking about where your LEGS ARE EXTREMELY tiny~!!!!!!! I love your posts..keep up the good work my friend :)

  16. i like the cupcake part. will do that!(^-^)

  17. soo funny :)
    and btw you look amazing

  18. Adorable in an absolutely cheesy way that I absolutely love!

  19. This is definitely the funnest work out I've seen.

  20. HAHAHA Cutest fitness routine I've ever seen! Love you guys. xoxo

  21. You`re so funny guys! Great work out! ;)

  22. Haha love it. I especially liked the last part: "that's it! now you can eat a cupcake" haha.

  23. Hahaha, this is so funny but my favorites have to be your running in place photo and Jonathan pumping the puppies!

  24. Too funny. My poor hubby gets a big fail as I don't think he'd manage to lift our 2 golden retrievers or our 9 & 12 yr old daughters. Oh, just realized he would be able to manage the guniea pigs :-). So not a total failure....

  25. You are such an adorable family...LOVE these pictures!!! Thank you for making me smile...the love and fun you both have together shines through! Work it, girl...or should I say Work out, girl! LOL!

    Liesl :)

  26. omg this was hilarious - i love "now you must pick up the other members of the family!" i've been away in NYC for 5 days and i am so excited to catch up on the vloggity!!!!


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