Monday, March 15, 2010

Le Floof TV: Paracetamol Puppy

Here's a short video Jonathan made for his channel.  Look at what happens to Albi when he gets close to my Panadol...LOL!  He's so cute, he does this with anything fizzy.  I think it's more to do with the sound of the bubbles and fizz...he goes completely crazy!  I love him, he's so adorable.  I am proud to say I filmed the last little bit of this was one of the very few times I was allowed to touch Jonathan's new camera, ha ha!  Also I was sick in bed at this point.  I have this awful pain in my neck that won't seem to go away :(  It's really horrible and I couldn't sleep last night because I just could not get comfortable!  I hope it's gone by Friday because I have a photoshoot then and it hurts when I move my head to one side...that's going to be a problem!  

Enjoy the video :)



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