Friday, February 26, 2010

Wardrobe: Cleaning Out Your Closet

In short, my top 5 tips for cleaning out your closet are:

1. Empty it!
2. Make 3 piles a) Keep b) Wash c) Dump
3. Make 2 piles a) Hang b) Fold
4. Categorize by item eg. dresses, coats, pants, tops, shirts, t-shirts, skirts, shorts, knits, etc.
5. Organise everything by colour

I hope this helps you guys when you're cleaning out your closets!  Let me know what your methods are!  Do you feel better when everything is organised?  Tell me in the comments below :)

Stay Stylish!



Anonymous said...

I'm going to clean my closet right now, because I have not done it in ages and it's gotten super messy.
I've tried organizing it by colour before,
but I'm way too lazy to keep it up :/
And YES, I do feel better after everything's nice and pretty, same goes for my room and everything in general(even my desk at school!)

Anyway, thank you Anna for all your work and

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